Westchase Park Drive

We built our second home with the expectation that a ranch style home would be the place where we would raise our last 2 daughters and ultimately retire. After our daughters both graduated, we were empty nesters. We realized what a waste of space there was in the home for just Karen and me. We had lots to do to keep the house and grounds in top condition, but our lives were also busy with our careers. We rushed to get to our chores completed in the evenings and on weekends. We felt that the house was starting to own us and not the other way around. Also, without the daughters living there, the house was quiet and offered little energy and joy.

We decided it was time to move from the big house to a smaller space requiring less upkeep. We listed the house and found a buyer who wanted to move into the house within 30 days. Karen quickly found a condo and we sold or donated most of our belongings. The amount of furniture, lawn care, and appliances we sold was shocking. We had accumulated so much stuff! Selling and giving most of these items away brought peace of mind.

We moved away from the suburbs to the condo which was much closer to downtown which is where we both worked.