About our Blog

Our blog began as a way to capture our experiences and to serve as a reference to reflect upon where we have been and what we were thinking. We also envision the blog as a way to stay connected with our family and friends as we live and travel abroad. Life is a journey and we want to share our journey with you as we travel the world at a leisurely pace.

As a visitor here, you are part of our community of family and friends. We value you and we seek your advice and input along the way. We would not be taking our journey if not for the inspiration and support each of you bestowed onto us to be bold, step away from what is comfortable to experience new places, cultures and cuisines. In essence, this is a shared journey.

Thank you so much for being part of our lives. Feel free to ask us questions and sharing your knowledge and experiences with us. Leave your comments in the Blog Updates.

Welcome aboard!