Boquete, Panama

Karen suggested that we go away to celebrate my birthday and we decided to take a 5–6-hour drive to Boquete.

Boquete, Panama is a beautiful destination for tourists. It is a top ex-pat-friendly retirement community and has something for people of all ages and interests. Boquete is surrounded by mountains including Vulcan Baru (highest volcano in Panama), the Caldera River, amazing cloud forest greenery, fruit trees, flowers, and many species of birds including hummingbirds! Boquete offers a dazzling choice of things to do and is recognized as one of the most popular backpacker spots in Central America.

Boquete is also famous for its coffee! We took a coffee farm tour to Don Pepe Estate. The tour starts with a visit to the coffee farm where you can see the different varieties of coffee produced, including Geishas, Caturra, Catuai, Pacamara, Bourbon, Typica, and Java. The tour also includes a fascinating journey through the history of Don Pepe Estate Coffee. After the tour, you can be part of a delicious and refreshing coffee tasting of all the varieties mentioned above.

We learned that Geisha coffee is a type of coffee tree that originated in the Gori Gesha forest, in Ethiopia and it can sell for as much as $10,000 per kilo.