
On October 20 while making coffee, things began to shake and sway in the apartment. After a few seconds of confusion, I realized this was an earthquake. The shaking continued for 20 or so seconds and the mirrors and pictures danced on the wall. The hanging lights swung back and forth, and Karen said the bed was moving as she laid in it. This was our first earthquake and it registered as 6.7 on the Richter scale. During those 20 seconds my mind began planning what steps we should take for our safety. Should we get under a doorway or table? My eyes looked at the glass table and I thought – bad idea. Should we head to the stairwell and exit the building? By the time I realized that I really didn’t have an action plan, the shaking stopped as quickly as it started. I walked to the balcony and saw that the pool was displaying strange wave patterns as a result of the harmonic shaking.

Permanent Visa – Almost Ready

We heard from our attorney that our Permanent Residency IDs (Visa) paperwork was released and ready for final review. We decided to extend the process 2 extra months to include the E-Cedula and we will go to Panama City in January for our Permanent IDs and E-Cedulas.

Attorney Cost $550.00

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